Village Census Code Directory of Maharashtra, India
According to the 2011 Census of India, the Census village code mapped to the Mawadi Supe village in Purandhar Taluka is 556472. This village is located in the Purandhar Taluka of Pune district in Maharashtra state of India.
Name | Mapped Census Code |
Mawadi Supe Village Code | 556472 |
Purandhar Taluka Code | 04196 |
Pune District Code | 521 |
Maharashtra State Code | 27 |
The total geographical area of Mawadi Supe village is 1083.33 hectares.
Type (Unit) | Area |
Hectare | 1083.33 ha |
Acre | 2676.09 acre |
Foot | 116573037 ft2 |
Kilometre | 10.83 km2 |
Metre | 10830000 m2 |
Mile | 4.18 mi2 |
Yard | 12952680 yd2 |
The total population of Mawadi Supe village is 978 peoples, in which 479 are male and 499 are female. This village sex ratio is 96.
Type | Population |
Male | 479 |
Female | 499 |
Sex Ratio | 96 |
1083.33 ha
242 Houses
Total: 978
Male: 479 Female: 499