Maharashtra Village Codes

Village Census Code Directory of Maharashtra, India

Hiwara Naik Village Codes

According to the 2011 Census of India, the Census village code mapped to the Hiwara Naik village in Chikhli Taluka is 529108. This village is located in the Chikhli Taluka of Buldana district in Maharashtra state of India. The pincode of Hiwara Naik village is 444302.

Census Codes

NameMapped Census Code
Hiwara Naik Village Code529108
Chikhli Taluka Code03983
Buldana District Code500
Maharashtra State Code27

Geographical Area

The total geographical area of Hiwara Naik village is 754.38 hectares.

Type (Unit)Area
Hectare754.38 ha
Acre1863.13 acre
Foot81159806 ft2
Kilometre7.54 km2
Metre7540000 m2
Mile2.91 mi2
Yard9017840 yd2


The total population of Hiwara Naik village is 462 peoples, in which 215 are male and 247 are female. This village sex ratio is 87.

Sex Ratio87

Geographical Area

754.38 ha


106 Houses


Total: 462
Male: 215 Female: 247

Sex Ratio