Maharashtra Village Codes

Village Census Code Directory of Maharashtra, India

Selu - Parali Village Codes

According to the 2011 Census of India, the Census village code mapped to the Selu - Parali village in Parli Taluka is 559958. This village is located in the Parli Taluka of Bid district in Maharashtra state of India.

Census Codes

NameMapped Census Code
Selu - Parali Village Code559958
Parli Taluka Code04224
Bid District Code523
Maharashtra State Code27

Geographical Area

The total geographical area of Selu - Parali village is 683.55 hectares.

Type (Unit)Area
Hectare683.55 ha
Acre1687.69 acre
Foot73517437 ft2
Kilometre6.83 km2
Metre6830000 m2
Mile2.64 mi2
Yard8168680 yd2


The total population of Selu - Parali village is 1544 peoples, in which 807 are male and 737 are female. This village sex ratio is 109.

Sex Ratio109

Geographical Area

683.55 ha


311 Houses


Total: 1544
Male: 807 Female: 737

Sex Ratio